נשמות נודדות: סמיוטיקה של התחלה | Кочующие души: Семиотика начала
The Harmony Cultural Center, Jerusalem
Curators: Vera Gailis, and Anna Smoliarova
"Nomadic Souls: Semiotics of the Start" is an exhibition that examines the complex journey of the new immigrants to Israel through the prism of visual art and semiotic research. The curators of the exhibition, Vera Gailis, and Anna Smoliarova, offer, based on their rich academic background, an in-depth analysis of the first-year experience of the new immigrants in Israel.
The exhibition focuses on the main problems of the first year of life in Israel:
Initial shock after the ALIYA (Masha Neverova, Helen Borowski, Boris Voytsekhovskiy)
Physical and mental loneliness (Katya Desnenko, Elena Shifrin, Bella Lipshitz, Marina Fazulina)
Learning Hebrew and overcoming the language barrier (Lev Barukh, Nastya Faybish, Natalia Marginalia, Yana Ovrutskaya)

The exhibition's concept is revealed through pairs of works that combine traditional paintings and sculptures with objects reflecting real life.
Notebooks from the studio of Alexander Goifman and Yulia Kireeva
Drawings by Sasha Nikitina, Pavla Petrusheva, Maria Volokhonskaya
A letter from Luba Laor's personal archive
Notes to neighbors from Elena Shtemberg's house
Comics by Svetlana Rudikova and Andrey Shilyaev

The exhibition will feature two interactive installations by Oleg Korchagin and Katya Frucht, along with much more.
The exhibition examines the fundamental role of semiotics in the experience of aliyah. When new immigrants settle in the Land of Israel, they instinctively look for familiar visual cues and symbols to understand their surroundings. Because of their linguistic helplessness, these visual symbols become critical in the communication process and assimilation of the immigrants into the local culture.
Helplessness as an adult is a traumatic experience that is often hidden from Israelis. The studio notebooks may make native Hebrew speakers laugh, but the exhibition provides a glimpse into the intimate and sensitive process of how adults learn the language of the country where they started life from scratch.
The Harmony Cultural Center hosts concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions, film screenings, and other events by artists who have just arrived in Israel and local artists. website | facebook
Vera Gailis - curator, social activist, lecturer, artist facebook | instagram
Barkov Alona, Borowski Helen, Desnenko Katya, Dorfman Mila, Faybish Nastya, Fazulina Marina, Finkelstein Kate, Frucht Katya, Gailis Vera, Goifman Aleksander, Kireeva Yulia, Kochubei Yulia, Korchagin Oleg, Korotenko Lara, Kotlyarski Lidiya, Lamanova Nataliia, Lev Barukh, Lipshitz Bella, Luba Laor, Mali Natali, Marginalia Natalia, Neverova Masha, Petrusheva Pavla, Nikitina Sasha, Ovrutskaya Yana, Remneva Olga, Rozenbaum Natalia, Rudikova Svetlana ,Shtemberg Elena, Shifrin Elena, Shilyaev Andrey, Shmelkova Anastasiia, Smoliarova Anna, Volokhonskaya Maria, Voytsekhovskiy Boris